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Efficient Water Treatment
for Cooling Towers
A Methodically Designed Water Treatment Program
Cooling towers are subject to scaling, fouling and microbial growth, including Legionella bacteria. A well-designed treatment program ensures the durability and efficient performance of these systems, while safeguarding public health. We have developed a comprehensive cooling management program to facilitate the work of operators. Our innovative chemistry, automation equipment and service help maintain system performance and minimize environmental impact. Follow the Magnus approach and protect your equipment from the harmful effects of deposit accumulation or premature wear caused by corrosion.

Cooling towers are made up of many components of various types of metal. Typically, water will come in contact with steel, galvanized steel, copper or stainless-steel surfaces. The types of corrosion in cooling towers can be as varied as the materials involved, but it always results in the premature wear of equipment.
The water in these systems is saturated with oxygen from the equipment’s ventilation, and since oxygen naturally plays an important role in oxidation, this promotes corrosion. Alternatively, the buildup of dissolved minerals in water, caused by evaporation, can create the conditions for white corrosion to form on galvanized steel or pinholes to form in stainless steel.
Several other factors add to or amplify corrosion problems in cooling towers. Microbial growth, the use of aggressive products, as well as certain physical or operational conditions will have a negative impact on the equipment maintenance and equipment lifespan.
Cooling towers are extremely susceptible to the formation and accumulation of deposits and, at the same time, can be negatively affected by the presence of these residues. The efficiency of heat transfer to condensers and other heat exchangers depends on surface cleanliness—a tiny film of deposit can result in a significant reduction in performance.
Cooling tower operation involves a high rate of evaporation, which results in a gradual increase in the concentration of minerals in the water. As the saturation threshold is quickly reached, hardness salts will form an insulating scale deposit on heat exchange surfaces.
A large flow of air through the cascading water produced in the cooling towers can also cause fouling. As the tower cleans the air, it traps dust, pollen, insects and other particles in the air, causing fouling in the cooling water circulation loop.
Microbial growth in cooling towers is a serious issue and must always be given due consideration. The conditions inherent to these systems are particularly favorable to the development of microorganisms such as algae, mold and bacteria. Losing control of microbial growth can have serious consequences on system performance and sanitary conditions.
The presence of determining factors, namely water, temperature, pH, photosynthesis and nutrients, explains why algae, bacteria and biomass grow so easily in cooling towers. Their presence and adhesion to surfaces can cause a host of problems including corrosion and loss of efficiency.
Among the risks associated with microbial growth in cooling towers, we must mention pathogenic microorganisms such as Legionella bacteria. The inherent risks must be seriously considered since they involve people's health.