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Improve Production and Performance in the Workplace with MAGCOOL

It is necessary to use synthetic metalworking coolants when working with metals to improve the workplace environment for everyone’s safety. Using synthetic metalworking coolants also helps to keep equipment cool as workers complete tasks, offering optimal chips removal during the operation. There are various types of synthetic metalworking coolants. Magnus’ newest products, MAGCOOL 5800 and 5841, use cutting-edge technology with safety in mind, each with its own unique properties. Synthetic Metalworking coolants are cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and long-lasting type of metalworking fluids.

Definition of Synthetic Metalworking Coolants

To understand what synthetic metalworking coolants are, one must first understand what metalworking coolants are and what they are used for. Metalworking coolants are oils and other liquids that are used to cool and wet workpieces during the metalworking process, including during machining and grinding. Not only do these fluids help that the finished pieces turn out as intended without any defects or corrosion, but they also help keep workers safe by preventing them from being burned or exposed to harmful chemicals.

Most types of cutting fluids, including straight oils, soluble oils, and semi-synthetic oils, contain varying levels of petroleum oils. Straight oils contain 100% straight oil content, while semi-synthetic oils contain about 30% or less oil content. Synthetic Metalworking coolants differ from metalworking non-synthetic coolants in that they do not contain petroleum oils.

Soluble/straight oils: Greater than 30% oil content (up to 100% oil) Semi-synthetic fluids: Less than 30% oil content

Pure synthetic fluids: No oil content

Benefits of Synthetic Metalworking Coolants

Improved Performance High performance is integral for any manufacturing company and using synthetic metalworking coolants can help you ensure that you and your business are not only reaching your performance goals, but exceeding them. Synthetic metalworking coolants allow for better fluid management, increasing performance and allowing for easier work. They are cleaner by design than oil-based fluids and have additional benefits including improved corrosion protection and rust prevention.

Improved Safety

Synthetic metalworking coolants are safer for the workers that use them, as they eliminate the risk of burns from oil-based products. Compared to other types of metalworking fluids, synthetic metalworking coolants are the standard for worker safety in 2023. They are also easier to clean up and less slippery, meaning they reduce the risk of falls for workers who spend significant time using them and working around them.

Improved Cooling

Synthetic metalworking fluids are highly efficient coolants, as heat dissipates from them quickly. This allows for improved safety and reduced risks of burns, but also helps create better products as workers have more control over their work.

Improved Tool Life

Over soliciting tools in the workplace results in wear and tear, meaning they will become damaged and go out of commission far sooner than planned if the proper metalworking coolants are not used. Synthetic metalworking coolants provide excellent fluid management, which results in better lubrication and a longer tool life.

Synthetic metalworking coolants can help improve production and performance in the workplace, as well as increase workplace safety for everyone in it. If you are not using synthetic metalworking coolants yet, there’s no better time than today to make the switch to Magnus!

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