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Chemical Cleaning

Use Chemical Cleaning to Boost Your System Performance


Solutions That Help You Save Time and Money


Magnus has extensive knowledge of industrial water treatment. We know how to make it easier for your water system equipment operators to conduct safe and efficient chemical cleaning that does not impact your bottom line.

For Industrial Equipment and Closed Loops

Circulation Cleaning

The clean-in-place process allows you to clean factory production equipment or closed loop piping systems without having to dismantle equipment. This process provides fast and consistent results, while facilitating preparation, cleaning and start-up.


The basic principle of the cleaning process is to circulate the right chemical cleaning solutions, which dissolve residues and contaminants, within the affected facilities.


Cooling Tower Cleaning

Cooling tower systems play an important role in manufacturing applications and comfort cooling. Major problems can arise if the equipment no longer achieves the required cooling capacity. A decrease in cooling capacity is usually caused by problems with scaling, fouling or biomass.

Annual preventive maintenance is strongly recommended and usually includes cleaning and disinfecting procedures to ensure:

  • Normal functioning of water towers

  • Reliability of refrigeration equipment

  • Minimization of risks associated with Legionella

  • Minimization of corrosion

  • Longevity of cooling towers and refrigeration equipment


Heat Exchanger Cleaning

To ensure optimal performance, heat exchangers must be kept free from deposit buildup. Our services include:


  • Equipment inspection using specialized tools

  • Residue analysis using various technologies available in our laboratories, to provide a solution tailored to your needs.


Our chemical cleaning techniques are designed to accommodate applications involving plate frame or tubular heat exchangers. Our formulas are selected based on the metallurgy of the components.

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